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What are the differences in the process of trademark registration between individuals and companies?

  • 2022-10-04
  • 43

First, they need to provide different materials:

1. The company name registration needs to be provided

A copy of the company's business license with the company's official seal affixed.

2. Individual registration needs to be provided

Copies of personal identity cards and business licenses of individual businesses.

Secondly, the two registration processes are different:

1. The business scope registered in the name of the company is not affected by the business license, and any of the 45 trademark categories can be registered, while the application for trademark registration in the name of an individual can only be the same as the business scope;

2. If an enterprise applies for the ownership right to belong to the enterprise, the company's cancellation of the trademark will be invalid; The trademark applied for by an individual belongs to the individual;

3. It is more stable for individuals to apply for trademark registration. If the ID card is not changed, the trademark does not need to be changed; If the enterprise legal person changes, the trademark needs to be changed accordingly.