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Whole production chain service

• National Science and Technology Support Plan• Torch Program• Spark Program• Various planned projects such as special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises• Various projects of Provincial Science and Technology Departme…

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Service Details


• National Science and Technology Support Plan

• Torch Program

• Spark Program

• Various planned projects such as special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises

• Various projects of Provincial Science and Technology Department

• Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology

• Various projects such as the Provincial Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprises

• Various projects of Provincial Department of Commerce

• Various special projects of the Intellectual Property Office

• Municipal Science and Technology Plan Project

• Various special projects of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

• Various special projects of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce

• Various special projects of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

• District science and technology plan project

• Technical transformation of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

• Various special projects of the District Commerce Bureau

• Recognition of high paid technology enterprises

• Support for scientific and technological innovation projects

• Industry university research cooperation project

• Patent industrialization project services

• Subsidy support after R&D expenses

• R&D expenses plus deduction support

• Talent project support

• Support for technological transformation of industrial enterprises

• Special and new support for provincial small and medium-sized enterprises

• Other preferential policies