Service telephone: International Department: BRAIN 18244900449/Energy Department: Manager Yan 13802401158


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• National science and technology industrial parks, incubators, and maker spaces• National enterprise technology center and engineering center• Provincial key laboratories and new research and development institutions• Provincial Enterprise Engine…

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7x24-hour contact informationInternational Department:BRAIN 18244900449Policy guidance:Miss Wang 18607503637Ministry of Energy:Manager

Service Details

• National science and technology industrial parks, incubators, and maker spaces

• National enterprise technology center and engineering center

• Provincial key laboratories and new research and development institutions

• Provincial Enterprise Engineering and Technology Center, Provincial Design Center

• National and provincial innovation and entrepreneurship bases for small and medium-sized enterprises

• Provincial intelligent manufacturing demonstration platform and headquarters

• Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Base